...beneath these tragic waves
: musings : past : etch : others : speak : h#umor :
no, thank you MSJ
Jan 12, 2001

Right in the middle of an unsuspected drought of writing desire, due to unimaginable exhaustion from classes and depression from things which I cannot change, I received a letter from my hero of the year. MSJ, of electronic mercy diaryland sent me a short but very heartening letter but moments ago that really made my day. I don't know what it is specifically that makes me a sucker for when people give me any sort of praise, but I melt like a snowman in a hot tub. Her comments really had nothing to do with any problems I am facing. She simply spoke honestly, writer to "writer" (i.e. me) but whatever hidden spell that was imbedded in her words did wonders for me.

This isn't my normally entry, as you may notice. This is just simply to reach out a hand of gratitude to a person who, by elegant words and thoughtful wit, has put a smile on my face when I felt there was no reason to hold one. Thanks to such a kind person, I'll be able to resume my normal attempt at wit and humor as soon as I make another laughable comment to a person I don't even know as I'm travelling to the bathroom. Cheers.

"I stick my hand into the shadows, to pull the pieces from the sand.
Which I attempt to reassemble, to see just who I might have been"

devolve | evolve
