...beneath these tragic waves
: musings : past : etch : others : speak : h#umor :
sometimes I wake up peeing
Feb 26, 2001

I had an odd dream this morning, as I often do now that I am able to dream. Have you ever had the kind where you have just come out of sleep but aren't yet really awake, so you take a large majority of the waking world and mix it in your dream? That was rhetorical, sure you have. That's what happened this morning.

I've always had some sort of internal clock that wakes me up at the same time in the mornings (except, oddly, on weekends). Yet I'm one of those people (if this is indeed a people type) who feel like going to sleep and waking up in the morning feels almost instant and seems a waste. When I go to bed I like to know I still have a few hours of sleep before it's time to head to work/school/what have you. Due to that I used to set my alarm for five in the morning (I get up at 6:50) so I could just lay in bed knowing I still had a good bit of time to rest. I enjoy being awake and lying in bed much more than simply being asleep. But sadly, I can only deal with the noise of Satan scraping his fingernails across my soul (i.e. the sound of my real alarm clock) once per day so I had to come up with a new alarm to wake me up early. The well-known "I've really gotta pee so I going to wake up and do it" alarm. So as you might expect, before I went to bed last night I "set" my alarm. Two tall glasses of water later I was sound asleep.

I know this is going to disappoint you but I'm going to save you some reading. I didn't "go potty" in the bed. That's a tale for another day! Well, when it happens at least...I'll get right on it.

Anyway, I must have hit the snooze on the pee alarm because I had to wait for my internal clock to kick in and wake me. Said internal clock has the annoying habit of waking me up two minutes (without fail) ahead of the time I want to. So rather than waking me really early so I know I have a lot of time, or right on time, I have just enough time to utter "uuuunnnh...I have to get up in a second" to which my normal mechanical alarm clock replies "AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" (I have 3 freakin' alarms...it's like a gauntlet...an annoying, really loud, bladder-shattering gauntlet). It's very frustrating.

There I was, lying in bed awake and angry that I only had two minutes to go. So I did the only logical thing I could do; I decided to have a conversation (out loud), asking my internal clock the burning question of why it always woke me up two minutes too early. Still partly in dreamland, the conversation seemed to go on for hours. Sadly, I can't remember any specific comments, but it all made sense in the end. Right before I was going to get up and out of bed, something my internal clock said (he spoke in forms of complex mathematical riddles, and I'm terrible at math) clicked and it was like everything slid into place. I shot up with a jolt and yelled "I got it! That makes perfect sense" an instant before the real life clock went off. Good thing too because my new-found knowledge (that I can't seem to remember) might have been lost forever had it gone off and woken me totally before I had a chance to crack that complex code.

cereal love
A topic discussed by a favorite of mine; love for inanimate object, didn't really set off any fireworks in my head until last night as I was about to venture to bed.

Kerykes mentioned how she had feelings for certain non-living objects, such as a deflated balloon which makes her feel rather sad. That was a notion I had never really reflected upon. I know I feel that same way about many odd things but just never picked it out as odd until it was brought to my attention. As I was finishing off a box of cereal last night, I caught myself kiss it delicately on the top as I set it down in the trash can, like a loving goodbye for someone I'd never see again. I don't know what odd force of nature (I stick with the belief that it was very unnatural) made me do it but my eyes flew open when I realized what was happening. Luckily all were asleep, as I'd not have wanted anyone to catch me lip to nut-carrying Squirrel lip. As I mentioned to Kerykes, I had an uncanny urge to keep the box once realization had set in.

"the light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us"

"no fault, none to blame
it doesn't mean I don't desire to"

devolve | evolve
