...beneath these tragic waves
: musings : past : etch : others : speak : h#umor :
I am smitten!
Mar 03, 2001

(no humor to this one, I just must speak before I burst)

I'm sure this is all of no interest but to the few I've spoken one-on-one with about the topic. I had a date Friday with the stunning Miss Sara, which went much better than I expected in that it turned out to indeed be a date, rather than just us going out. I don't like to just presume you know. That way I can avoid making a fool of myself by acting as if it is a date when, in fact, it isn't. But as I said, to my extreme delight, it was. It was your typical date, dinner and a movie but perhaps not in that order. I let the fact slide that I had no better ideas because we had quite an adventure the other week so I figured something somewhat normal would suffice. And suffice it did.

Being a rather large fan of the brilliant Tim Burton, it was my idea to go see his new one, "Monkeybone", (we'll file that statement and the following ones under "oops" as I apparently made up the idea that Burton had anything to do with the film...wonder where I got the idea from...thanks for the correction by the guy with the stupid name on the guestbook) which I enjoyed but it was (needless to say) no "Nightmare Before Christmas" or "James and the Giant Peach". It wasn't up to his usual standards but I enjoyed it a good deal despite. Though it was hard to concentrate on the film when I'd much rather have watched the goddess sitting next to me (and I don't mean that in the "I have a sticker that says Goddess so that means I'm probably not one" way but a real live goddess...whew). But alas, it was dark so I had to settle on the movie and the amazingly pleasant perfume she had on (which I have come to learn was body spray, which is even sexier...I knew the scent was too soft to be perfume). You know the kind of scent I mean...it's the type you happen to catch a whiff of (like just now...) the next day and almost pass out from sheer ecstasy. *thump*...

...and we're back. So after the first part of the typical dinner and a movie, not necessarily in that order, type date, we went to "dine" at the local IHOP. Yes, I know, not the best choice perhaps but the only reason we ate at all was because I was latched onto her leg like a pit-bull (figuratively speaking, of course) and wasn't ready for the date to end. So we bravely ventured forth where we "enjoyed" bland bacon, pure carbon water beverages, French Toast without the French, and syrup that was just brown water with a hint of something that might have had a hint of maple. But at least we had a nice waitress. I've never seen one care so much [about getting a good tip]. A rarity among her peers, she came to check on us various times throughout our extended stay there. Her only fault, and it was simply miscommunication, was that she almost got my order wrong. As some of you well know, IHOP has some rather silly names for a few of their meals and, much to my dismay, one of them exactly fit the bill for what I felt like eating. Determined to not cut myself down a peg by saying the name, I had to order by using a variety of complex codes and hand gestures to avoid saying "Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity". Okay perhaps not complex, since in the end I simply asked for "this" while pointing to the menu item and saying "without the Fruity, please". A few moments later she came back to make "sure I wanted what I ordered" which seemed a bit odd to me...why else would I order it? But in the end, we found out there had been miscommunication and she thought I just wanted the pancakes from the dinner (it normally comes with eggs, bacon, and things like that). Why anyone would think I'd go through the trouble of dancing around saying "Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity" (which, now that I think about it, probably is spelled Frooty and has an exclamation point) just to get pancakes is beyond me. But just ordering "pancakes" would be silly I suppose.

Still not wishing the date to come to a close, I was frantically trying to think of other plans of action while we were leaving the "restaurant". It was getting late though and I didn't want to seem like some freak to her. We ended up sitting in the car in the parking lot back at the theater talking, until all the light begin to dim and we were told by a worker in not so many words "if you don't leave this private property I'll have to call the cops". Like I said, not in so many words but I know, deep down, that's what he meant. He knows it too.

Again, much to my delight, she herself seemed to be having a good time (which I'm not used to I guess) so we broke up the typical dinner and a movie (just not in that order!) type date by going to my abode and watching cartoons (that's right, cartoons...she loves them too...be still my heart) until early in the morning. There wasn't really a single good cartoon on that whole time, which was a pity, except one ten minute skit of "Cow and Chicken" which did please me greatly. The "until early in the morning" part played havoc on me somewhat as I've just now gotten up, about 12 hours later. I normally don't sleep like that; I just get 5-8 no matter (and this doesn't relate at all but I just had insane deja vu that I've done this before...not the entry exactly but this whole day...but it was from sometime long ago...strange). It was more than worth it though. Truely, I can't complain about getting a lot of sleep. I probably need it anyway.

The only (only) non-excellent part of the date was I felt rather like a slob compared to her. There she was, looking stunning in her stylish outfit that truthfully exclaimed, "I'm a slice of Heaven in a stylish outfit" and there I was, despite my very cool shirt, with an outfit that said, "I'm wearing nappy pants that probably aren't even clean!". Okay, well they were clean but you get the idea. Oh, and nevermind the fact I fooooolishly decided to get a major haircut the DAY BEFORE my date...from cheek length hair to hair I can't even see overnight. It was a bad haircut (despite my one instruction..."don't make it look stupid") too plus I've yet to figure out how to comb it to look good, sooooo that was a downfall on my part. She didn't seem to mind though =)

All this could have been neatly said with the same phrase I used in my entry description, "I'm smitten". Quite smitten. I haven't been smitted in a long time (at least, not to someone new who didn't, as I felt, consider me as simply an after thought). It's nice; I had forgotten the feeling that you get just by certain looks a person can give you. That feeling you get in your stomach like you're dropping on a large hill in a rollercoaster. Perhaps the best feeling there is.

But of course, I have to keep all this to myself since as soon as people I date learn that I am indeed smitten, they think it fun to head on their merry way without me. So that means, some of you out there shouldn't have read this. So, you know, forget everything you saw. This isn't the entry you're looking for. (haaaarrr). So back to bed with me...my eyes still need someone stronger than I (like Atlas) to keep them open. And I was told to "expect a call" from a certain someone today so I'll eagarly wait for that as I nap.

(We have since parted company.)

"you're just like an angel; your skin makes me cry"

devolve | evolve
