...beneath these tragic waves
: musings : past : etch : others : speak : h#umor :
the non-funny revenge
May 11, 2001

We're all in a horrible state of affairs when a situation such as I'm in comes to face the world. I think I'm out of jokes. Even bad ones. While I know that's what all my entries are (bad jokes, that is), I'm still fresh oo9ejt (unedited typo, which was supposed to be "out").

As you know, pretty much all of my entries revolve around me taunting others (to boost my own low self-esteem no doubt) in ways I find funny but no one else does. Especially not the people I'm talking about. Yet of late, not only can I not conjure up anything "important" to say, I have been a social recluse since classes have been out (nevermind I'm somehow still doing work for them), which limits my material. I couldn't even suck anything out of the gold mine that was the guy in Subway that I mentioned before who kept saying "slice it and dice it". Besides, as a certain person who shall remain nameless (because I made them up) said, "no more Subway stories" to which I will fully agree with and submit to the phantom's will. Unless something funny does happen. No danger of that yet, though.

With the coming of what I would call "The Summer of George" if that was my name, there will hopefully be a revival of humor here. As best as I can manage, of course. But be warned: summer is the harbinger of laziness in my world, so you might never hear from me again. But then, my loyal readers (I mean, reader) might give me a hard time. We'll just have to see.

I finally have a plan for this summer. My writing heroine, who shall remain nameless - not because I'm making this friend up...for once - but because I doubt she wants her other legions (*note* no sarcasm) of fans wanting to visit too. Without being too bold, I'd have to say they'd want to visit more because I'd be there (read on, don't click the X). I mean really, who could pass up the chance to come give me a face full of fists and baseball bats, followed by a stern lecture on good writing? I can barely stop the urge myself. At any rate, she made many exciting comments about the fun things to do in a city that isn't this one. So I look forward to that.

Hopefully also he and I can look into skydiving goodness for the summer. We've only been planning it and putting it off for 4 years or so now.

Have I written a similar entry before? They all blur together now and I'm of course to lazy to check.

[by the by, if any of you are using Earthlink, please contact me. I have a small but very important (as far as inside joke importance goes) favor to ask.]

another dream
A few days ago, I recall towards the end of my dream being scared of getting shot. I recalled later it was because there was a security guard in the dream who was about to "pump me full of lead". I also recalled that I was trying to save someone from getting shot as well. I awoke, still halfway dreaming and ready to protect, to my wake up call. I picked up, ready to give warning to the person on the phone and I screamed "he's packin'!" then I slammed the phone down. As soon as I did that I was fully awake and forgot all about the event until later that day. I thought surely I had mearly dreamed it until I confirmed it had really happened when I spoke with the person on the other end of the phone. No point; just sharing.

"but I knew you'd never stay"

devolve | evolve
