...beneath these tragic waves
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in my shoes
Sept 10, 2001

I wore sandals for the first time in my life today. It was pretty satisfying. Considering I like to walk/drive/be barefoot in general, sandals come about as close as you can get and still get into restaurants. I guess the desire to have no shoes is rooted deep in my "Alabama blood". But I think of it less as a "we don't have shoes or electricity" (which, despite stereotypical ideas, we have both...given we have to send the Pony Express out for the shoes and we pedal lots of bikes for electricity) type deal and more of a "hey, I like not wearing shoes" type way.

I'm not sure why, until yesterday, I was so hardcore anti-sandals, but I was. I refused to wear them. Even the suggestion had me up in arms. Perhaps just ugly ones I'm against, who knows. My mind didn't put together the fact that wearing them is somewhat close to being barefoot which, as I said, I do enjoy. In fact, I might never wear shoes again. Except perhaps when it has been raining, which I learned is an annoying disadvantage. There is something about walking in grass with the damp tips coming over the edge of your shoes and wetting your foot that is unsettling to me. With no shoes, it doesn't bother me, but only partly moistening my feet drives me a little crazy. I also find that I walk kind of oddly since I feel the things are going to fly off my feet on the arc of a step, so I kind of slide my foot along the ground. Annoying, yes I know. I've always hated when people do that. I just never knew it was so hard to do. Practice, I guess.

in search of ...?
I like to look at the google searches that lead people to my site. Normally I'm just afraid of the crazy stuff I see that I show up for (I know others who can relate: fffucking). Of later, rather than searches for teenage butt sex (which I show up for it seems), I've gotten searches on google for "chaney diaryland" and "chaney.diaryland.com". Maybe it's only me, but that just seems odd. Shouldn't they...you know...just go to the address. I don't expect there is much out on the net about such topics except this very page. What are you looking for, searcher?

I also show up as the only result for "modern day Egyptian architecture" (with quotes). Can't beat that. I don't show up for "most studly man in the world" though, so obviously google is just broken.

devolve | evolve
