...beneath these tragic waves
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product naming folly
May 18, 2004

While reading a not especially impressively written review of the new film Troy, I noted that the author made some obvious and rather unfunny "Trojan condom" jokes (that I was hoping to avoid), and it made me think of the fact that there are a rather vast number of well known brands of products that have somehow lasted many years, yet to this day make one wonder how they got by with the names that they have. We've all no doubt seen and laughed at the product named "Depends" which is the last name you want placed on that specific item if you plan on using it.

I have to wonder what the Trojan condom makers had in mind when they were naming this product. Even a brief look at the war of Troy should tell you not to name a condom "Trojans". Sure, they initially manage to keep the invaders out but they were, in the end, unsuccessful.

There are only two conclusions I can come up with (besides the makers having a very bad recollection of Troy's part in the war). One is that they are saying that, like the Trojans, they too are tough, but not totally immune to peril, thus providing a disclaimer without having to waste precious space on the box. The other is that they have a slogan I've never heard that goes something along the lines of "nothing but a wooden horse can get through" which, while I have to say is a reassuring notion, it's not the best slogan one could create.

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