...beneath these tragic waves
: musings : past : etch : others : speak : h#umor :
cute puppy...hey! I need some pants
Jan 08, 2001

As per usual, Disney has made a bold and unexplainable move by announcing they would be selling child-sized fake dalmatian skin coats to promote their recent movie, 102 Dalmatians...

Does anyone else find this to be a bit... odd? Now, while I haven't seen 102 Dalmatians, it seems to me that not unlike its predecessor, the controversial 101 Dalmatians, the plot of the movie would be for the pups to avoid the clutches of the evil Cruella DeVil and in the end save their hides from being made into clothing apparel. Sounds like a reasonable goal...

So doesn't it seem that Disney is sort of going against the moral of the story (though not skinning dogs for clothes should be a moral known at the instant of birth) and saying "Cruella looks good in dalmatian, now you can too!"

We all know Disney doesn't exactly have the most spotless record, so perhaps this shouldn't come as a surprise. From hidden sound clips of someone saying "take off your clothes" to movie covers with towers erected into the shape of a penis. It's amazing how such a company, one that supposedly supplies our youth with wholesome, clean entertainment, could be so simply corrupt. Apparently, those who work in such a place of innocence build up a lot of perversion and rage since it can't really be let out in the office. Unless you consider the movie covers, and parts in the movies themselves, then all they do is let it out.

That's all I have to talk about with them for the moment, but I'm sure they'll always have plenty for me to rag on if I'm stretched for topics. If for some reason you don't ever hear from me again, the suits at Disney came to "clean me up". Disney is much like the government, only they make cartoons rather than tax me.

(Thanks to my friends Winter for pointing out Disney was selling those coats and Oghma for explaining how corrupt they are =) )

Aladdin - "Tarzan, if lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right!"

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